00:00 Introduction 00:57 The space chase 01:38 Faster and lighter? 02:51 3 + Kylo 04:54 Admiral Ackbar 05:23 Leia floating in space 06:40 Kylo does a cool stunt offscreen 07:23 It doesn't stop 08:04 Ships come and go 08:41 The big slap in the face for George Lucas 10:38 END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Justice: / @deadjustice Fan Wars: • Fan Wars Bomber Video: • STAR WARS: The last Jedi Bomber - The... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last Jedi BOMBER: The worst ships from Star Wars. • STAR WARS: The last Jedi Bomber - The... STAR WARS: The last Jedi was rubbish from the start. • How to watch STAR WARS with the first scene... How Disney bought STAR WARS: • How Disney bought Lucasfilm - The story... @EliasMoviePlanet / @eliasmovieplanet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #StarWars #Disney #Episode 8 #rianjohnson #thelastjedi #glassonion