Hearty, powerful, delicious - with sausage from Papa Can! More here: https://vk.cc/cGYooB?erid=2SDnjf2aaiX ADVERTISING, Advertiser: JSC "OMPK" INN 7715034360 erid: 2SDnjf2aaiX The film is based on real events. The historical drama, which takes place in Berlin in the 1940s, tells the story of a German theologian and pastor, a participant in the anti-Nazi conspiracy Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Zen: https://dzen.ru/cliffhangeryt Telegram: https://t.me/cliffhangerchannel VK Group: https://vk.com/cliffhangerchannel Tags: Brief summary, brief summary of the film, retelling, retelling of the film, brief summary of the plot, retelling of the plot, brief retelling of the film plot, retelling of the film plot, plot of the film, retellings, brief retellings, retellings of films, retellings of the film, summary, brief content of the film, films, brief retellings, cliffhanger, retelling of films, films in a few minutes, film in 10 minutes, short film, brief retelling of films, retellings of plots, retelling of films, short retellings, quick retelling, short retelling, retelling of the film plot, brief retellings of films, retellings of the best films, short plots, film retelling, film retelling, retellings of films, short retellings, summaries, films short, plots retellings, retellings of movies,