The “Pensando Bem” program brings together three well-known figures from Rio Grande do Sul’s communication and literature: Nando Gross, Juremir Machado da Silva and Luís Augusto Fischer. The program will also bring special guests to talk and debate about the most diverse subjects that impact the lives of Porto Alegre residents and all Rio Grande do Sul residents. “Pensando Bem” will air every Saturday at 9 am on CuboPlay platforms and on FM CULTURA, in Porto Alegre, 107.7 FM. Eduardo Bueno is a journalist, writer, translator and YouTuber. In this episode, the conversation will be about the beginning of his career, the times of the military dictatorship, his published books and his fame on the internet. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ????@cuboplay ????@nandogross ????@juremirmachadoda ????@fischerluis ????@buenasideias #ThinkingWell #NandoGross #JuremirMachadoDaSilva #LuísAugustoFisher #Interview #CuboPlay