After hysterectomy, the patient may stay in the hospital for one or two days depending on their condition. The recovery process begins when they start walking 5-6 hours after the surgery. After the surgery, patients should continue to use the painkillers prescribed by the doctor as recommended by the doctor, which will minimize the pain. These medications are usually used for a week. If the pain does not go away even after the medication is finished, patients should contact their doctor. The antibiotics given are to minimize the risk of infection. Antibiotics should be used as recommended by the doctor. After hysterectomy, patients should avoid activities such as heavy lifting that may damage the operated area. It is recommended that the patient consume liquid foods for a few days so that constipation does not occur after the surgery and the patient's digestive system can return to normal more quickly. If the patient strains themselves due to constipation, bleeding may occur. In such a case, a doctor should be consulted immediately. The doctor will tell the patient the date when they can safely take a shower, and showers can usually be taken 24-48 hours later. Wetting the operated area before this date may invite infection. Patients should protect the operated area from such external factors. It would be appropriate to wait 3 weeks to a month for activities such as bathing, swimming in a pool or the sea where the body is submerged in water. Post-operative check-ups should not be skipped. If unexpected bleeding and discharge occur, the doctor should be contacted immediately. Patients should walk for at least 15-20 minutes a day after discharge. This prevents the metabolism from slowing down and speeds up the healing process. It takes 30 to 45 days for patients to have sexual intercourse again. Having sexual intercourse before this can be risky. There is no menstruation after hysterectomy. If the ovaries have not been removed, the person does not enter menopause even though they do not menstruate. If the ovaries have also been removed, the doctor may start hormone therapy for menopause. For detailed information about hysterectomy, you can read my article https://drgamzecaglar.com/rahim-alma-... #uterusoperation #uterosurgicalremoval #gamzesinem Don't Forget to Subscribe: https://bit.ly/gamzesinemyoutube My Website: https://drgamzecaglar.com My Instagram Page: https://bit.ly/gamzesineminstagram My Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/gamzesinemfacebook My Contact and Transportation Information: https://g.page/r/CXI0-ncLwEpIEAE IVF Treatment All Videos: https://bit.ly/tup-bebek-tedavisi-tum... Pregnancy and Birth All Videos: https://bit.ly/hamilelik-dogum-tum-vi... Gynecological Diseases All Videos: https://bit.ly/kadin-hastaliklari-tum... Questions from You All Videos: https://bit.ly/sizlerden-gelen-sorular