#Summary #Netflix #InMinutes Hidden plan Summary in 10 Minutes Inside man in 10 Minutes Summary of Perfect plan Movie bank robbery Escape plan summary Movie they pay you to escape summary Movie summaries. Summary. Summary channel. Science fiction summaries Science fiction movie. Summary movie bank robbery, the perfect robbery A police detective, a bank robber and a high-powered broker enter into high-stakes negotiations after the criminal's brilliant heist turns into a hostage situation. Composed and meticulous, the soft-spoken, resourceful bank robber, Dalton Russell, has orchestrated the perfect heist - soon, the Manhattan bank on the corner of Wall Street and Broadway along with dozens of hostages will be his. Try as he might, tough hostage negotiator Keith Frazier is always one step behind the criminal mastermind, and even more heartbreakingly, the institution's founder, Arthur Case, recruits brainy problem-solver Madeline White to recover something of utmost importance.