John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone), a Vietnam War veteran, tries to find some semblance of peace by raising horses on his father's Arizona ranch. He's also developed a special family bond with a woman named Maria and her teenage granddaughter Gabriella. But when Gabriella is kidnapped by a vicious Mexican cartel, Rambo crosses the border on a bloody and personal quest to rescue her and punish those responsible. A gang kidnapped his niece, and when he went to bring her back, they mocked him and thought he was just a horse trainer, not knowing that he was the most dangerous soldier. They kidnapped his niece, and when he went to bring her back, they mocked him and thought he was just a horse trainer, not knowing that he was the most dangerous soldier. ☠️???? Thank you for watching, and I hope you liked the video. Summary of Last Blood. Summary of the movie #Movie_Summary_Script & Voice Acting & Editing: Mohamed Abdel Rahman #Movie_Summaries #Movie_Summary #Zatoona_The_Movie #Movie_In_Zatoona #Movie_Explanation_