Good morning, I am calling you from the Employment Center because you are a recipient of the citizen's income. Have you already found a job? "No, how can I work if I receive the citizen's income?" Mario, a fictitious name, replies in slow and premeditated Italian on the other end of the phone. Mario is 63 years old, officially unemployed and lives in Grumo Nevano, in the province of Naples. For six months he has been receiving aid (from the State) "to train and find work". His monthly credit is 800 euros. This is why, pretending to be employees of the Naples employment center, we offer him a job as a waste collector at the same prices. After him we try with other recipients of the income. Not random people but citizens who are officially unemployed and who in reality work illegally, achieving, in their own way, the objective declared by the Government: "to supplement your family's income in a time of difficulty". (Perhaps this is why everyone refuses our proposal, with sometimes grotesque excuses. "Do you really think that at 56 I'm going to be a street cleaner? Are you kidding me? Call me back when you have a better offer?" - Vito bristles, his age is declared by himself, long-term unemployed. Or rather, unemployed, given that his wife and children keep him company at home and they live on the thousand euros a month that his citizen's income guarantees him. Too bad, however, that when he answers the phone the ambient noises are typical of a construction site, where we will find him again a few days later. "The workplace is too far from my house, can't it be closer?" It doesn't matter if the proposed location is just 7 km away. "800 euros a month?" - comments Umberto, astonished, who receives 643 euros a month from the citizen's income -. And with this salary can I get by these days?" And he's right, because 800 euros a month are few compared to what he earns. In fact, to his state salary he adds his salary as a worker in a shoe factory, this one right under his house. Grumo Nevano, like the entire Neapolitan hinterland, is full of factories that are not located in an industrial area but in apartments, basements or attics of "normal" condominiums. They have the advantage of not attracting attention, they are difficult to locate and what happens in there is known only by the Carabinieri whenever they manage to gain access without being reported by the lookouts or the surveillance cameras. Where we go there are four of them, installed in the corners of what from the outside looks like a three-story villa but which instead houses at least fifteen workers. They make shoes for important high fashion brands. We go there because our Mario, Umberto, Vito…... (Antonio Crispino / Corriere Tv). Watch the video on Corriere: https://video.corriere.it/cronaca/pre...