Safes broken into, robberies and stabbings. Inspectors Julia and Christian work for the Berlin #Police's Criminal Investigation Department. We accompany the two on their missions for two days. The KDD takes over the initial investigations, the so-called "first qualified attack". Julia and Christian are the first criminal investigators on the crime scene. They secure evidence, take photos and question witnesses. The investigation results are then passed on to the specialist departments. Julia and Christian have nothing to do with the further investigations. We watch them try to solve break-ins and a stabbing. This has little to do with the exciting world of TV crime series. And we learn how the two deal with being confronted with serious crimes and difficult fates every day. Julia has only been with the department for a year, Christian has been a police officer for 37 years. --------- Author: David Donschen Editing: Oliver Rusanov, Michael Stragies Camera: Andy Lehmann CvD: Alexander Tieg --------- Music used: Erwan Pierre Marie Castex Brest // Felix Martin Goeppel Fahrtwind // Kondi Sori Yeanoh – Power Handa Blinga be // Dirk Heinz Berger, Vincent von Schlippenbach Supernova // Marten Laciny, Vincent von Schlippenbach Verstrahlt // Carlton Joseph Moodie Fall in Love // Ahn Minh Vo, Renato Simunovic Keine Liebe // George Chet Forrest Sleep Sound // Joris Voorn Ringo // William George Holland Time Is The Enemy --------- ► Further information and sources: Neue Presse - The traces of the crime: https://www.neuepresse.de/lokales/han... Berlin Police - Experience reports: https://www.berlin.de/polizei/beruf/p... RP Online: Professional portrait - "desk criminals" at the criminal investigation department https://rp-online.de/leben/beruf/nich... Berliner Zeitung - Crime in Berlin: More violent crimes, more car and bicycle thefts: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/mensc... --------- We are the Y-Kollektiv - a network of young journalists. In our web reports we show the world as we experience it. We make research transparent. ► You can SUBSCRIBE to us here: https://goo.gl/8yBDdh ► Y-ZWEI: / @y-zwei ► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/y_kollektiv... ► FACEBOOK: / ykollektiv ► Y-KOLLEKTIV PODCAST: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/y... --------- ► #ykollektiv belongs to #funk: YouTube: / funkofficial Instagram: / funk TikTok: / funk Website: https://go.funk.net Imprint: https://go.funk.net/impressum A production of sendefähig GmbH // http://sendefaehig.com // / sendefaehig