For copyright inquiries, please contact us at: [email protected] Advertising and cooperation: https://vk.com/club60235938?w=page-60... TechZone ► https://goo.gl/ULy98R As you know, wealth can be measured in different ways. While some people chase the sums of money in their accounts, others know which objects have a value that does not fade over the years. We are talking, of course, about precious stones. Everyone knows that they can be incredibly beautiful. And, of course, expensive. However, there are stones in the world to which the word "expensive" is difficult to apply. They are rather... just super expensive! And it is precisely about such jewelry that we will talk today ◓MN in VK►https://vk.com/club60235938 ◓ADVERTISEMENT►https://vk.com/club60235938?w=page-60...