How to save a lot of money? How to manage your budget so that you have extra to invest each month? ????The Sheet File that Saves You Money: https://bonus.romanpaillet.com/suivid... ???? Discover my complete method for investing in the stock market: https://www.romanpaillet.com/trident ???? The broker I recommend for investing in the stock market (it's the most secure, the one that offers the most products and charges the lowest fees): https://go.romanpaillet.com/ib ⏱Timing: 0:00 INTRODUCTION 1:59 1. FIND YOUR WHY FOR SAVING 4:12 2. MEASURE YOUR EXPENSES 5:50 3. OPTIMIZE YOUR EXPENSES 7:41 4. CUT THE BIG 3 9:53 5. INVEST DIRECTLY AND DELAY PURCHASE 12:02 CONCLUSION ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ℹ️DESCRIPTION ℹ️▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ????Have you ever logged into your bank account, looked at the balance and thought… where did my money go? ❌Unfortunately, many of us have this problem: money coming into our accounts...but not much left at the end of the month! ????We know that it's important to save, to put aside for our future and yet we don't do it... The number one regret of people in their forties is: I should have put more money aside! Personally, from 18 to 24 years old, I was lucky enough to earn a lot of money with my projects on the web...And yet I didn't put ANYTHING aside! ✅Fortunately, through frustration I began to understand that knowing how to earn money and knowing how to KEEP money were not the same thing...through trial and error, I ended up finding a system that really works to put money aside and invest it to generate passive income ????STEP 1: FIND YOUR WHY FOR SAVING No longer having debt, being able to choose a job that you like, offering a beautiful house to your parents,... There are plenty of valid reasons but you have to find the one that resonates with you. It should be something strong, personal, emotional, really important to you. If you do this, saving will suddenly become much easier. ????STEP 2: MEASURE YOUR EXPENSES Rather than guessing with your finances... I invite you to measure exactly what you spend each month in order to gain clarity. Once a week, log into your various bank accounts and report this week's expenses on an Excel file. After a few months of doing this exercise, you will gain a lot of clarity on your expenses. You will no longer have any bad surprises when opening your accounts And you will know exactly how much you need to set aside to achieve your goals. ????STEP 3: OPTIMIZE YOUR EXPENSES Simply increase what brings you value and decrease what does not. Start small and then be more and more ambitious with your goals! Try to spend a little less each month than the previous month! Personally, I make a game of it with a color code based on my spending averages: red, blue and green. ????STEP 4: CUT IN THE BIG 3 80% of your expenses come from only 3 places; Housing, transportation and food. So we can focus on these 3 items to go for BIG wins! Because saving €2 at Carrefour is all well and good, but halving your rent is still much better. ????STEP 5: INVEST DIRECTLY AND DELAY PURCHASES Most people buy directly what they want and postpone investments until later. To succeed you must do EXACTLY the opposite. That is to say, invest directly and postpone your purchases until later. This is the last step of our process: it is the hardest but it is also the most powerful. Instead of investing what you have left at the end of the month, you will pay yourself first. That is to say, as soon as the money from your salary hits your bank account, a part of it automatically goes into investment. ????By putting these 5 things in place, I am convinced that your savings and therefore your investments will grow from year to year and that you will ultimately be able to enjoy a freedom of choice that many people would dream of having. ????I would like to congratulate you, you are developing a skill that few people master: living below your means. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ℹ️INFO ℹ️▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⚠️ Support me by subscribing to the channel: / @romanpaillet ✉️ Do you have a question for me? Send me an email: [email protected]