Buy spare parts for washing machines https://tehremont.xyz/g60181826-zapch... My spare parts store https://tehremont.xyz Everything about repairing washing machines, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners https://sammaster.xyz There is a puddle under the washing machine, how to deal with it and what this situation leads to. In this video, I will tell and show the cause and consequences of the fact that there is water under the washing machine. This video will reveal the main drawback of the Samsung washing machine. You will see how to restore the body of the washing machine, why the control module burned out, why one of the springs rusts and subsequently bursts, how to make sure that there is no more puddle under the washing machine, that is, how to fix a leak in the washing machine. Imagine that the culprit of all these troubles can be only one spare part, we are talking about the powder container. It is with this container that we will have to tinker. Although the problem is so urgent, the manufacturer of these washing machines, for some reason, does not want to fix this mess, so we, ordinary people, have to fix the factory defects and their consequences, and how exactly, you will see in my video. Also, if you manage to do what I showed in the video in time, then the cost of repair will be pennies, but if you wave your hand and say come what may - get ready for the fact that the repair will cost you a pretty penny My site http://cammacter.ru My site http://cammacter.ru/ Enjoy watching - like and subscribe to my channel: / @evgentij-pkapec2130