The reality stars Cheyenne and Nino talk about why moving to the farm was the best decision of their lives Nino Sifkovits and Cheyenne Ochsenknecht talk about their life in the village and the prejudices against the prominent name Between manure and the red carpet - this is how happy Nino Sifkovits and Cheyenne Ochsenknecht are in Styria Chapters: 00:00 - 00:28 Intro 00:28 - 02:13 Party marathon or farm work? 02:13 – 04:23 Journey into the past: Cheyenne let off steam 04:23 – 05:32 “Nino wasn’t my type at all” 05:32 – 08:03 Nino is different from the Ochsenknecht men 08:03 – 12:14 From the shared flat with mum to the flat with a doorman 12:14 – 13:43 The name Ochsenknecht and its impact 13:43 – 14:14 Public separation of the parents 14:14 – 16:47 Cheyenne likes being a housewife 16:47 – 19:15 Family relationships in the Ochsenknecht household 19:15 – 19:23 Outro #funk #deepunddeutlich #cheyenneundnino