[02X92] It took them years and years of clandestinely positioning themselves on Paseo Ahumada, earning their stage name through sheer effort after escaping from the police (acab), making thousands of passersby laugh and becoming recognized as the fathers of comedy on the big screen. With their liveliness and mischief, in addition to the personality and essence of each one, they have achieved more than 30 years of experience in comedy in Chile. It is a luxury to have them at home today. Thank you, Pato, Guatón and Chino, for this great chapter of national holidays. But what about Rojo? ORIGINAL IDEA & DIRECTION: Ignacio Ríos / estenacho Matías Arias / matixaviier Bastián Ríos / 3skribano Diego Sarmiento / dejatedebromas José González / jm.gon WRITING: Nicole Aguirre / almansiosa PRODUCTION: Maximiliano Vergara / johnny_sususurros Nathalie Maldonado / nati.rulo Oscar Boetto / oscarb85 CHILEAN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER: Maca Nieto / gindriin CAMERAMEN: Nicolás Silva / nicormt Cristopher González / lvanraw Pablo González / migravisual LIGHTING: Sebastián Prado / sebastrian__ LIGHTING ASSISTANT: Miguel Prado / miguel.prad. LIVE SOUND: Jorge Maulen / maulen.__ VIDEO POST PRODUCTION: Nicolás Silva / nicormt COLOR: Nicolás Silva / nicormt AUDIO POST PRODUCTION: Jorge Maulen / maulen.__ CHAPTER INTRO: Lorenzo Orellana / lorenzuaj