Gregor Gysi was a guest at the University of Witten/Herdecke on May 3, 2018: https://www.uni-wh.de/ Invited by the student initiative Theatron Logou: https://www.uni-wh.de/studium/student... What do Sahra Wagenknecht, Wolfgang Schäuble and Cem Özdemir have in common? They were all guests at the Theatron Logou and then ate in a Witten student flat share. In addition, Gabriel Busquets-Aparicio (Spanish ambassador to Germany), Michel Friedman (former vice president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany), Günther Beckstein and Rita Süssmuth, Bishop Wolfgang Huber (former chairman of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany), Father Thomas Williams (former dean of the Pontifical University in the Vatican), Tankred Stöbe (chairman of Doctors Without Borders Germany and UW/H alumnus) and Franz Haniel (chairman of the supervisory boards of Franz Haniel GmbH and Metro AG) gave lectures in Witten. This was made possible by the Theatron Logou initiative. It was initiated in 2001 as an interdisciplinary series of discussions in which prominent personalities from different areas of society come to the university to discuss current and relevant topics. "Our aim was to create a forum in which we could talk to people from public life," explains Christian Jünger. "It was and is a particular concern to connect the university with the citizens of the region." The idea has been met with great response from the Witten population. Between 200 and 300 people usually attend the four events a year on average. ----------------- Contact the University of Witten/Herdecke: Private Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbH Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50 58448 Witten Germany Mail: [email protected] Home: www.Uni-WH.de Facebook: / uniwh Twitter: twitter.com/uniwh Instagram: / uni_wittenherdecke