The Yamaha RDLCs have marked an entire era. Do you already know what RDLC means? It stands for Race Developed Liquid Cooled, as you will have understood, motorcycles whose design is inspired by competition with liquid cooling, not very widespread at the time of its release in 1980. It's tonight's Apéro! #motomag #moto #MotorcycleTests #MotorcycleTest #UnAperoAvecMotoMagazine #MotoMagazine #OffMotomag #MotorcycleTest #moto Find all our videos on our website https://motomag.video/ Don't hesitate to comment, share, like... and subscribe to our channel! Support our independence by: buying Moto Magazine at the newsstand or subscribing; visiting our website; share our videos ... Moto Magazine n°1 in magazine sales in France (figures verifiable on OJD) Moto Magazine is also a site: Motomag.com https://www.motomag.com/ And a presence on social networks: 20,000 subscribers on Twitter: / motomagcom 145,000 subscribers on Facebook: / motomagcom 20,000 subscribers on Instagram: / moto_magazine_france To buy Moto Magazine, go to our store: https://boutique.motomag.com/16-abonn...