In the 73rd episode of the Väärinajattelija podcast, my guest is astrologer and founder of the Astro.fi website Seppo Tanhua! As the turn of the year approaches, it's good to sum up the past year a little and reflect: What will 2025 look like? Seppo tells us, within the framework of astro charts, what we can possibly expect from this upcoming year. We dive deep into world events on the surface, and we discuss more broadly what kind of internal changes this period will bring to our lives. Now let's take a deep dive into the upcoming year 2025! Welcome to challenge the prevailing worldview with a fresh podcast episode! You can support my channel's activities: 👉 FI36 3939 0038 0238 67 Seppo Tanhuan's Astro.fi website: https://www.astro.fi Astro.fi channel on YouTube: / @astrofi Seppo Tanhuan's Instagram: / astroilua You can also find me on these services: Instagram: / antti_launonen X: / launonen_antti Facebook: / launonenantti