‼️The Wound of BETRAYAL‼️ This wound, which also appears in childhood, is a deep feeling of pain because life and people are not as expected and we feel betrayed by the people who should protect us and give us love the most. This leads to living full of uncertainty, distrusting everyone and with a constant fear that people will hurt us. The Wound of Betrayal is usually generated with mom and/or dad. JOIN as a MEMBER of this Channel at the following link to enjoy EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS FOR MEMBERS: / @pamelajaragomez Subscribe to my YOUTUBE Channel @pamelajaragomez and Follow me on SPOTIFY Pamela Jara Gómez. www.pamelajaragomez.com #pamelajaragomez #childhoodwounds #healingwounds #pas #highlysensitivepeople #highsensitivity #emotions #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalwounds