When faced with life's challenges, men and women tend to respond differently! While men tend to be more objective and energetic, women are better at evaluating scenarios before making the decision they need to make. For this reason, they often end up getting lost in their feelings and decisions can become increasingly confusing, generating a feeling of insecurity and anxiety when making a decision. In this female process, which is a little more prudent than that of men, there is an attitude that sabotages female decisions without them realizing it: after all, there is nothing worse than making a mistake in favor of prudence! Today, in this video, I talk about men vs. women, the construction of female affection, why women are more relational, the pitfalls of their attitudes, insecurity, anxiety, fear of mistakes, attitudes and - mainly - how to avoid falling into the worst attitude a woman can have! Watch, like the channel, share with everyone. And now tell me: how many times will you fall into this trap? ========================================= Timestamp: 00:00 Start 01:40 - Female Mentality 04:39 - The Most Dangerous Female Dynamic 07:56 - Why This Is a Trap! 11:23 - “I Caught My Husband’s Texts with Someone Else” 13:07 - Men Can’t Stand Doing This! 14:31 - Set a Limit for Yourself 15:50 - The Second Terrible Position! 17:41 - "I want to see if my husband notices..." 19:32 - Conclusion ========================================================== Follow me on Instagram: /jotaborgonhoni Join my Common Sense Group on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JcFHs9p2qHg... Get to know the Common Sense Community: https://chk.eduzz.com/2186711 Want to do therapy with me? Just make an appointment! https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=5...