When the Israelites were still illiterate desert people of Shas, who among other deities also worshipped the demon JHW, one of many nomadic groups that would later reach Canaan, a sophisticated religion was already functioning several thousand kilometers to the east. A religion based on the Vedas – sacrificial hymns, with a developed pantheon of deities and ritual. No wonder. Jahvism, which later transformed into Judaism and Christianity, was not the oldest, or even one of the oldest religions of antiquity. Before that, there were the religions of Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Egypt, etc. What makes Vedism, which later transformed into Hinduism, unique is the fact that over a billion people still practice it today. An interview by Rafał Nowak-Bończa with Dr. Robert Czyżykowski from the Institute of Religious Studies of the Jagiellonian University.