You can also watch the collaboration video on the channel of Oriental DS, who guided us around China this time ↓ / @orientalds Daiki's channel is here ↓ / @daikinohitorigoto [Click here to purchase PODEROSA, the brand of clothing Joe is wearing ↓] https://poderosa.jp/ *Please order early as numbers are limited. [Joe's Club (fan club) is here] → / @joevlog7 [Click here to send a LINE message or propose a project to Joe ↓] https://lin.ee/B70CajD [Follow Joe's latest updates on Instagram ↓] →https://www.instagram.com/joeanddream... [Joe's twitter is here ↓] → / joeanddream [Joe's Bar Hopping Channel is here ↓] / @joevlog2nd [Click here to request work or projects from Joe's Blog] → [email protected]