Despite its relatively modest heights, the Keleti-Bakony hides wildly romantic gorges. Such is the Gaja Gorge, formed by the Gaja Stream, and the Roman Baths. The well-developed tourist routes of the Gaja Gorge make it a real family-friendly destination, while among the huge rock walls of the Római-fürdő you can feel the wildness of nature up close. 00:00 Where are we hiking today? 01:12 Gaja stream 02:11 Views 03:06 Károlyi lookout 04:49 Alba Regia spring 05:41 Another view 06:17 Pilgrims 08:43 Descent into the valley 09:50 Finally, we have the stream 10:40 Bakony name, Balkan atmosphere 11:28 All the way at the bottom of the valley 14:24 What's next? 14:53 Roman bath and its approach 16:27 Is it really Roman? 17:08 Amazement and staring at the rocks of the Roman bath 17:58 I can't find words 18:55 The gorge from below 22:44 Jóska Savanyú, Jóska Sobri 24:43 Good advice for litterers 25:29 Jóska Sobri 28:23 Summary, farewell