https://boosty.to/redcynic – account on Boosty https://vk.com/public_redcynic – group on VKontakte Y.Money wallet: 410011854513048 https://t.me/redcynic – channel on Telegram http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/redcynic – contribution to Donation Alerts https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=52... – page on Patreon https://www.youtube.com/RedCynicRus/join – become a Sponsor of the channel http://redcynic.com – my website / redcynicrus – my Twitter / red.cynic – Facebook / red_cynic_rc – my Instagram Year after year, series after series, Lauren Hissrich and Co. “paid tribute” to the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski about the witcher Geralt. At the same time, both Sapkowski and the Witcher in the works of the "brilliant producer" became less and less. Until there was none left at all... At the same time, Lauren, again, for years crucified her love for the original source. Nevertheless, from the leaked insiders it became clear that neither she nor most of the Netflix authors feel any love for this very original source. There are opposite emotions. Rejection, ridicule, sincere arrogant contempt. Although the true "height" of this "high standard" is somewhere at the level of the baseboard. There is no appropriate education, no outlook, no understanding of the genre, no historical knowledge as a basis for creating a quasi-medieval world. But, despite this, Lauren tries time and again to wipe Sapkowski's nose, trying to prove that he was wrong, and it is she who knows what will be better! The result is not long in coming. Reviews of fans of the book and ratings of the audience will not let you lie. But let's take a closer look at all the facets of Hissrich's talent that poured out onto the television screen...