In this video, I debunk popular myths about cars from South Korea and talk about the real features of their selection and maintenance. Find out the truth about colors, build quality, mileage and trim levels, and why Korean cars can be a great purchase for you. If you have problems with YouTube, don't worry! Subscribe to our social networks to not miss new videos and stay up to date with all the updates: ???????????? Telegram: https://t.me/okavtopodbor VKontakte: https://vk.com/okauto_podbor Zen: https://dzen.ru/okautopodbor Rutube: https://rutube.ru/channel/24579943/ Contacts: ???????????? Telegram: https://t.me/okavto_podbor Whats'App: +7 (953) 340-54-02 Phone: +7 (812) 981-44-02 (Kirill / Artem) Friends, I want to thank you all for recommending me and my company for importing cars from abroad, I believe that your gratitude should not be in vain, so we decided to open a referral program ✅ For each client who was recommended by you, you receive a bonus 10,000 rubles, after buying a car in Korea, once again a big thank you to everyone???? ✅YouTube producer of my channel: https://am-creates.ru/ #mythsaboutcars #carselection #car2024 #rearwheeldrive #allwheeldrive #koreandealers #carsfromkorea #carselectioninkorea #carprices #usedcars #carselection #ovchinnikovkirill #okauto #koreancars