Mario & Luigi RPG is a saga developed by the company Alphadream that tells the adventures of the intrepid Mario brothers traveling the worlds and kingdoms in search of adventures, they are always ready to rescue Princess Peach by defeating new powerful villains in the company of Bowser. This time I will explain all the lore of Mario & Luigi RPG. ►Chronological Order of the Story: 0:00 Intro 1:38 Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga 19:34 Mario & Luigi Companions in Time 34:40 Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story 50:39 Bowser's Aftermath 54:09 Bowser's Junior Journey 1:02:31 Mario & Luigi Dream Team 1:16:00 Mario & Luigi Paper Jam 1:26:12 Ending ►Twitter: https://x.com/Shastemix ►Special Thanks to Nova for the Thumbnail https://twitter.com/NovaGrowl?t=-1HaY... ►Support me to create better videos: / @shaztyx #supermariobros #marioandluigi #marioandluigisuperstarsaga #marioandluigipartnersintime #marioandluigibowsersinsidestory #marioandluigidreamteam #marioandluigipaperjam #shaztyx #marioandluigibrothership