The details of the incident caused by Einstein's Kawai-san, his partner Inada-san, were revealed. Kenkoba-san and Sakura Mana-chan were shocked by the rawness of the story. "It's been a while since I've heard such a raw story!" said Kenkoba. That's the whole story of Einstein Inada's "direct mail to a fan incident". And the story of what happened after Inada's failure to learn his lesson. "TENGA Chaya Podcast" September 17, 2016, October 22, 2016, October 29, 2016From September 1, 2018Images: https://snjpn.net/archives/23709 https://cakes.mu/series/3554 http://kyousoku.net/archives/50816411... http://news.livedoor.com/article/deta... https://matome.naver.jp/odai/21476093... https://matome.naver.jp/odai/21476093.... https://instanonymous.com/t/%E3%82%A2...%... https://cakes.mu/creators/946 https://kisocook.com/inadanaoki-cool-...