Recently I decided it would be cool to make a video where I would tell from start to finish all the most important things needed for the Unified State Exam in history. Initially I thought I would do it in 2 or 3 hours, but it turned out a little longer). My VK group: https://vk.com/istorikaege My TGC: https://t.me/istoricash You can also subscribe to this YouTube channel, something interesting often comes out here (but not for 10 hours, fortunately) Time codes: 00:00 introduction 02:20-The first Kyiv princes 37:38- Feudal fragmentation 1:10:00 Moscow princes 1:45:00 Ivan the Terrible 2:14:21 Time of Troubles 2:27:50 Seven boyars 2:33:00 The first Romanov 3:09:48 Peter 1 3:42:23 Palace coups; Catherine 1 3:45:30 Peter 2 3:48:46 Anna Ioannovna 3:52:00 Elizaveta Petrovna 3:58:00 Peter Fyodorovich 3 4:00:00 Catherine 2 4:31:37 Pavel 1 4:40:17 Alexander 1 5:13:00 Nikolay 1 5:31:21 Alexander 2 5:53:08 Alexander 3 6:03:47 Nikolay 2 6:54:01 October Revolution 7:01:00 First reforms of the Bolsheviks 7:09:00 Civil War 7:18:00 NEP 7:28:12 Stalin 1 7:48:37 WWII 8;11:30 Stalin 2 8:20:30 Khrushchev Brezhnev no 8:40:00 Gorbachev 8:43:30 The 90s and the present 8:53:00 REALIZATION OF THE WORK DONE 8:53:30 Culture