???? Does your whole day go by trying to process piles of information coming from a thousand places? Do you feel like you can't make any progress because you always have to start something new? I have excellent news that there is a solution to your problems and it is called the GTD method. ???? You have time! time management book: https://timentor.hu/van-idod-idogazda... ???? Ebooks: Vision and goal planning: https://timentor.hu/valora-valto-ebook/ Day planning: https://timentor.hu/ naprendezes-ebook/ Efficiency increase: https://timentor.hu/hatekonysagnovele... --- If you want to know more about me, you can find it on the following channels: Website: https://timentor.hu/ Facebook: / timentor01 Discord server: / discord Free Facebook group: / timentor My reddit page: / idogazdalkodas 0:00 Introduction 01:05 What does GTD mean? 01:51 The 5 steps of GTD 02:29 Collect 05:42 Clarify 06:53 Organize 08:58 See the big picture 10:08 Jump to tasks 10:43 My example 14:48 Is it worth the time? 16:38 End of video gag #time management #time management #efficiency