Hey, we are so happy that you tuned in and are part of our online service. We would love to hear from you and get to know you. Just write us an email if you would like to contact us or have made a decision for Jesus: [email protected] You can also find us on Instagram: riversidechurch_rheiderland GIVING: The Riverside Church is financed exclusively through voluntary donations from members and friends. For this reason, no church taxes or membership fees are charged. With your donation to our church account you support us in building a modern church that reaches people of today. You can send us donations in the following ways. We thank you very much in advance: PayPal: [email protected] BANK ACCOUNT: Bund freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden KdöR IBAN: DE67 2855 0000 0001 9175 25 Donations to us are tax deductible up to a maximum of 20% of the total amount of your income. At the beginning of each calendar year, we send out the donation confirmations for the previous year. Therefore, if you are donating for the first time, please let us know your postal address.