◾️This video is a re-edited version of the content of the conference "The World of Community & Value Co-Creation You Don't Know: Shin Crowdfunding" held in June by PLAN-B. ◾️You can watch the rest of the video here: https://lp.plan-b.co.jp/offerpage_whi... ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーCAMPFIRE Inc. Ikuya Sakai HP: https://campfire.co.jp/ Beeworks Inc. Yuto Ban HP: https://beeworks.co.jp/ X: https://x.com/bw_publish (Publishing related) Mashiro Nagino HP: https://lit.link/naginomashiro X: https://x.com/Nagino_Mashiro YouTube: / @naginomashiro 【What is comPASS? 】 An event where leading companies in each industry share information on the truth, essence, and cutting edge, and marketers will want to try it. With the two meanings of "compass" and "together (com) to break through (pass)," com/PASS will continue to support marketers. #marketing #sns #brand