Schwarza is the fourth element of the week. With a background in Astronomy and a long experience in the field of scientific dissemination, since the early days of YouTube, he joins Os Três Elementos for a chat about the universe, life and everything. Use the coupon code ELEMENTOS and get 12% off on the entire Insider website https://www.insiderstore.com.br/Os3El... Presented by: Emilio Garcia, Carlos Ruas and Pirulla Guest: Schwarza (Schwarza's Channel) Produced and voiced by: Fabio Uehara Produced by: Mila Massuda, Juscelino Filho and Luina Luizi Capeloti Directed by: Clayton Heringer Sound by: Rafael de Falco Recorded at TocaCast Tocalivros studios, bringing your books to life http://tocalivros.com