https://sites.google.com/view/sources... Our energy sources reveal a lot about the history of mankind. First we had only muscle power, then we discovered fire. With coal and oil we industrialized the whole world. When we learned to split atoms, we entered the atomic age. With each of these steps we were able to generate far more energy than ever before and to develop even further. Now we are slowly moving to renewable energy and, with a little luck, to fusion energy in the future. If humanity continues like this and does not destroy itself in the process, we will probably soon be able to control all of our planet's resources. Then we can look for new places to settle. But surviving in space is hard and settling there permanently will require huge amounts of energy. And we know where to get it. From the sun. The ultimate energy source. Hundreds of trillions of times more powerful than our most efficient nuclear reactor. It shines with the energy of a trillion atomic bombs per second. And how do we get all this energy? Not just a little - but all of it! Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/2n8dAE5 Facebook: http://bit.ly/2n6AUBX Twitter: http://bit.ly/2DDeT83 Instagram: http://bit.ly/2DEN7r3 Things Explained – Kurzgesagt is a science channel that explains complex topics from space research, physics, biology, politics, philosophy and technology in a simple and understandable way in animated form. Imprint: https://go.funk.net/impressum We publish a new video in German every two weeks. Sometimes translations from our English-language channel, sometimes exclusive content for the German market. Since September 28, 2017, Things Explained – Kurzgesagt has been an offering from funk