One of the many masterpieces of the Russian writer. It is said that it was this specific story that changed the course of Mahatma Ghandi's life, who abandoned his career as a lawyer to become a pacifist leader and fight for the poor. He was an admirer and devoted reader of Tolstoy's works. Tsar Nicholas and the royal family were also devoted readers of Leon. Currently, one of his most faithful scholars and disciples of the ideas and philosophies of this great writer is Vladimir Putin. *I had never recorded a story, it is my first time, I apologize for the two or three technical errors and perhaps the lack of clarity in the voice, I am recovering from a strong flu. The truth is, I thought I would record it just for myself, the first time I listened to it I did not like the music or how it sounded, I was somewhat sick and in a bad mood, now recovered and calmer I listened to it again and it seemed more understandable to me and I uploaded it. If you are stressed or angry or upset about something, the music will be annoying. If you listen to it, do not strain to hear the voice or the flute or listen to it at high volume, let the sounds flow... Enjoy and God bless you.