The reality of the world - an influential sermon for every heedless person - the most beautiful thing that Sheikh Al-Bahli said - Saad Al-Ateeq - Salem Al-Ajmi Muhammad Al-Awadhi, Nabil Al-Awdi, the lasting good deeds, sermon, the Day of Resurrection, death, Al-Shanqeeti, the throes of death, sermons, Friday, Al-Huwaini, Ali Laban, Al-Maghmisi, the land of gathering, the destroyer of pleasures, Omar Abdul Kafi, the grave, asceticism, heaven, hell, prayer, zakat, the path, Al-Sudais, remembrance of God, Salafism, stories, influential, story, lesson, Abu Bakr, Quran, recitation, the reality of the world Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Bahli, the virtue of correct repentance to fulfill wishes, Abdul Rahman Al-Bahli, the reality of the world, Salem Al-Ajmi, an influential sermon for every heedless person