Sign up for the (Almost) Free Crypto Masterclass (06/24): https://r.clique.ly/bd80a7cbee Pre-register for the next Materializa class: https://maluperini.com/ Marina Gorga discount coupon: https://nutricionario.com.br/ossocios/ Habito Vida link: https://habitovida.com.br/discount/OS... Who has never seen their grandparents adding countless spoons of sugar to their coffee? ???? Until recently, it was common to add sugar to practically everything: coffee, milk, juices and various recipes. Today, however, the ingredient is widely considered a great villain that should be avoided at all costs. But is it the only enemy in this story? Maintaining the sweet taste is possible in many ways - and the food industry does not leave anything to be desired when it comes to options: stevia, xylitol and the most peculiar types of sweeteners bring the comfort of “zero sugar” to the palate. But how much is it worth it? From fruit to honey, from white sugar to brown sugar, from industrialized to processed, your body will react. What will you choose? Has any sugar always been a health villain, after all? How is it metabolized by your body? What is the difference between them? And between industrialized and ultra-processed foods in this context? When is one or the other convenient? What are the worst types and how to identify them in the nutritional tables? To answer these and other questions, we invited Géssica Andrade and Marina Gorga to episode 177 of the Os Sócios podcast. We will talk about the effect of sugar on your body, where it can be “hidden” in foods, when it makes sense or not to consume it, trained palate, metabolism, risk of diseases and much more. It will be broadcast this Thursday (02/15), at 12 pm, on the Os Sócios Podcast channel. Hosts: Bruno Perini @bruno_perini and Malu Perini @maluperini Guests: Géssica Andrade @dra.gess and Marina Gorga @marinagorga.nutri