THE PROCESS - Director: Roman Lejtman (digitalized by the author) On March 24, 1976, a military coup ended the government of Isabel Perón. The Armed Forces took power and imposed a systematic plan of violation of human rights, which involved the disappearance of 30,000 people. But the Military Junta did not only commit crimes against humanity. It also established an economic program that multiplied financial speculation, destroyed the national economy and increased unemployment levels. In addition to violating human rights and destroying the economy, The Process took advantage of popular passion during the 1978 World Cup. While the goals of the national team were being shouted, the junta mounted a campaign of psychological action aimed at denying concentration camps and death flights. And at the end of the regime, when everything was collapsing, the Malvinas War began: a military adventure, based on a just national vindication. which caused a tragedy that still hurts society.