The video deals with the so-called Transformer Equation. This video is aimed at students who are in the process of completing their basic course (GF2) as an electrician at the vocational entrance Electricity and IT (at EUC Nordvest in Thisted), but other interested parties are of course more than welcome to take a look. Two examples of the application of the equation: • The Transformer Equation - Application (2 ... You can also watch these videos: How does a Transformer work (1): • How does a Transformer work - Workin... Howdoes a Transformer work (2): • How does a Transformer work ? Electromagnetic Induction: • Electromagnetic Induction (1). HC Ørsted's experiment: • HC Ørsted's discovery. HC Ørsted's experiment (updated): • HC Ørsted's discovery (updated) Drama documentary about Ørsted: • Video