The trailer for the new Attack on Titan anime, or the Attack on Titan (originally Attack on Titan), which is in the works by some fans, was released and we will examine, review and analyze it in this video. I wish it would arrive sooner than 2026. For the discussion of the true ending, see this playlist: • Commentary and reaction to the exclusive ending of the anime... Trailer video: • Attack on Titan: Requiem Episode Re... ????Webshop???? https://weebshop.chapchi.com ????Real support???? https://reymit.ir/weebhead Telegram ???? https://www.t.me/s/the_real_weebhead ???? Instagram ???? / weeebhead ???? Twitch ???? / the_real_weebhead ???? #Attack_on_Titan #Anime #Demon_Slayer