AUTHOR: Kreshnik KUÇAJ EDITOR: Ergis HASANBELLI READ: Rudi HIZMO Every Thursday, 8:00 PM on SCAN TV On the afternoon of December 19, 1979, the electrician who was following the works for the excavation of the mountain where the tunnel for the railway crossing in the city of Lezha would be opened, entered the gallery to carry out the technical control of the mining scheme. In his hand, the electrician held two measuring devices while inside it, the workers continued their work normally. The use of the measuring devices accidentally caused the premature explosion of 940 kilograms of explosives, causing a tragedy. 7 people lost their lives. The tragic event worries official Tirana quite a bit. Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu holds an extraordinary government meeting in which the head of the State Planning Commission, the Minister of Construction, the Minister of Agriculture and the head of the State Inspection participated. For more information visit our website: https://bit.ly/3sfGvHc Follow SCAN TV on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3FbRsBy Follow Scan_tv on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VTYCQy Follow SCAN TV on Linkedin: https://bit.ly/3D1yQBn Follow scan_tv on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3zbVrKz #scantv #economy #news #viral #trending #fyp #viralcontent #lezhe #accident #railway #fierze #hydropowerplant #frightening #curiosities #mehmetshehu #enverhoxha #laç #kreshnikkucaj #dosjae #emision #fakte #kommunizem #dossier #histori