For the third year in a row, Linde and Bauer invited Finland's toughest guys to the games. Three tough guys have traveled all over Finland today to the Metro Areena to win cash prizes on the ice, and at the end of the day, everyone gets to shop with their own pot of Bauer clothes at Espoo's 8 Sport. In cooperation with Bauer Hockey. @bauerhockeyeurope @arttulindeman @jaakkoparkkali SEE HOCKEY CHALLENGE 2024: • I invited Finland's toughest punks again to p... SEE HOCKEY CHALLENGE 2023: • I invited Finland's toughest punks to the games! CONTACT [email protected] ▶ INSTAGRAM @jaakkoparkkali ▶ SNAPCHAT @jaakkoparkkali ▶ TIKTOK @parkkalijaakko