Hello and welcome to this new video. Today, we are going to analyze the hard-hitting statements of a French philosopher and essayist Michel Onfray that you surely know. This man does not mince his words and shares his truth without beating around the bush. I offer you an excerpt from his interview and we will dissect it together. Who is Michel Onfray? French philosopher and essayist, Following the accession of Jean-Marie Le Pen, whose ideas he was then fighting, to the second round of the French presidential election of 2002, he left his teaching career to create the popular university of Caen, where he gave the course "counter-history of philosophy" for sixteen years, which was rebroadcast on the radio station France Culture. He regularly appears on the radio and television on political and societal subjects. His positions arouse many controversies. He published a huge number of books (more than 150), some of which were commercial successes. While he initially defined himself as a libertarian and Proudhonian, and was historically classified on the left or even the far left, he followed an intellectual evolution that gradually pushed him towards the far right. Since 2020, he has co-founded and hosted the magazine Front Populaire, which political scientist Jean-Yves Camus describes as anti-liberal, populist and sovereignist and which appeals to certain far-right circles. @michelonfraytv6276 @EmmanuelMacron