Here I present one of the classic ideas of Political Science. To understand power relations in society, it is necessary to view reality from the perspective of concepts. Therefore, I begin by showing the differences between the notions of POWER, DOMINATION and LEGITIMACY. I also explain the definition of the IDEAL TYPE, or PURE TYPE, as well as nuances of Max Weber's research method, such as METHODOLOGICAL INDIVIDUALISM and COMPREHENSIVE SOCIOLOGY. This makes it possible to address the central issue more precisely: the three pure types of legitimate domination. Legal domination (rational-legal domination, through BUREAUCRACY), traditional domination and charismatic domination. REFERENCES ARISTOTLE. Nicomachean Ethics HANNAH ARENDT. Men in Dark Times PHILIPPE RIUTORT. Compendium of Sociology MAX WEBER. The Three Pure Types of Legitimate Domination. RAYMOND ARON. The Stages of Sociological Thought. 0:00 - Channel intro 0:03 - Introduction to the topic 0:43 - Definition of POWER for Max Weber 2:10 - Definition of HUMAN for Aristotle 2:15 - Definition of POLITICS IN THE WEBERIAN SENSE, through a quote from Raymond Aron 2:25 - Importance of using words with their proper meanings 3:08 - Definition of DOMINATION in the Weberian sense 3:35 - Consequence of the difference between POWER and DOMINATION in the exercise of politics 3:47 - Definition of LEGITIMACY in the Weberian sense 4:06 - Weberian Method 4:31 - Definition of IDEAL TYPE/PURE TYPE 4:49 - Definition of RATIONAL-LEGAL DOMINATION 6:14 - Definition of TRADITIONAL DOMINATION 7:15 - Definition of DOMINATION CHARISMATIC 7:37 - Weberian examples of CHARISMATIC DOMINATION 8:01 - Difference between reality and IDEAL TYPE 8:40 - HANNAH ARENDT quote 9:00 - Credits