Dhamma lecture series: "Emptyata Dhamma" by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. Topic: The thing called "Sati in just one word" 1.Emptyata is the whole story of Buddhism. 2.Emptyata is the whole story of Buddhism (continued) 3.The story about emptiness is the true religion. 4.Emptyata is about theory. 5.Emptyata Dhamma is necessary even for laypeople. 6.Emptyata Dhamma is necessary even for laypeople (continued) 7.Emptyata Dhamma is necessary even for laypeople. 8.Emptyata Dhamma for forest dwellers and sanyasi. 9.Emptyata Dhamma from the beginning to the end. 10.Emptyata is about practice. 11.The heart of practice regarding emptiness. 12.The thing called "Sati in just one word" 13.Answering questions.