“Jeepers Creepers” or “Hungry Eyes”, you decide. Released in 2001, the film introduced a macabre creature called Creeper, who feeds on human beings. What you may not know is that the film’s story was based on both real events and an old North American legend, the legend of the Wendigo. Technical Details: SCREENWRITER: Victor Lisita / VIDEO EDITOR: Adriana Itacaramby / ILLUSTRATOR (THUMBNAIL): katira / CAMERA OPERATOR: Francisco (Sombra) / CAMERA OPERATOR: Lucas Ruas / CAMERA ASSISTANT: Carlos de Freitas / TECHNICAL ASSISTANT: Osvaldo Freitas (Tracajá) / PRODUCER: Thales da Guarda / AUDIO CAPTURE AND EDITING: Jefferson Oliveira / HEAD OF DEP. YOUTUBE: Muryllo Vilela / CHIEF EDITOR AND REVIEWER: Priscilla Bernardes / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Luiz Phellype Alves