Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu used the image of gymnast Nadia Comaneci as political propaganda for his country. While the population was treated like trash, Nicolae tried to raise people's morale by using Nadia Comaneci's victories. Sports as a political weapon was very common during the Cold War. Follow me on Instagram: World War II, Nazism, Holocaust: @historialiteratura History, Art and Literature: @vaeveja See other videos on the channel: Exodus by Yoram Kaniuk. What happened to the Jews after the Holocaust? (Jewish literature) • Exodus by Yoram Kaniuk. (Jewish literature) • Armenian Genocide (First Genocide of the 20th century) • Armenian Genocide The Man Who Conquered Auschwitz by Denis Avey. (book about Nazism and the Holocaust) • The Man Who Conquered Auschwitz by Denis Avey.