Live: THE TEACHER WHO HAS IDEAS Guest: Teacher Monique Giarola Alcântara SEE DF – CEI Candangolândia 04/28/21, at 2 pm LET'S GO! Sharing ideas and actions: 1- Presentation of professional history and the path to acquire new practices, 2- History of the book “The Fairy Who Had Ideas”; 3- Highlights: centers of interest, ways to organize the circle, the line, the rules, the need to change the planning and the importance of the diagnosis; 4- The child protagonist and scientist; 5- Leaving school; 6- Necessary exchanges between professionals, the importance of the teacher being a researcher and sharing their practices. Presentation illustrated with photos of her records in the classroom (and outside of it) with the children, since 2014. CONTACTS ON THE INTERNET: Professor Monique on Pinterest: br.pinterest.com/moniquegalcanta/_created/ Research: Professor Monique YouTube Channel of CEI da Candangolândia Research: Cei candangolândia