"Shitamachi no Taiyo" (The Sun in the Downtown Area) was a film produced by Shochiku in 1963. It was the second film directed by Yamada Yoji. It is a film adaptation of Baisho Chieko's debut song, which was a big hit in 1962, a so-called pop film. The film is set in the Shiseido soap factory and its surrounding areas near Keisei Arakawa Station (now Yahiro Station) on the Keisei Oshiage Line and Hikifune Station on the Tobu Isesaki Line in Sumida Ward, Tokyo, the engine shed at JNR Shinkoiwa Station, and the Shinkoiwa Steel Works of Daido Steel (now Daido Special Steel). This is a touching human drama about young people who try to live positively and strongly. It depicts the hard-working lives of women who work in downtown factories. The film was made after the lead actress Baisho Chieko sang a theme song with the same title in 1961, which became a big hit.