History Readings are podcasts to be used in Elementary School II and High School classes. The teacher conducts a commented reading of Cláudio Vicentino, Memória Viva History Collection. The Sugarcane Economy is the fourth episode of the series. Script to deepen the study: 1 - The Economic Cycle (concept, Brazilwood, and the choice of sugar); 2 - The structure of sugar production (the latifundium, monoculture, slavery and the mill, big house, chapel and slave quarters); 3 - Sugarcane society (the latifundiary and slave aristocracy, free men and patriarchy) 4 - The peak of the sugarcane cycle (the leadership of sugar and Brazil, secondary economic activities: brandy, brown sugar, cattle, cassava, tobacco, cotton); 5 - Exploration and settlement colonies (concepts and models in Brazil and the United States). Happy studying!