Extra Joss shot up to dominate the energy drink market. Then it fell and was displaced. But in a short time, it rose and reclaimed its throne. What happened? What was the strategy like? This is an epic business story that teaches us a lot. Let's trace its footsteps. 00:00 Tracing the journey of Extrajoss 01:03 The Glory of Extrajoss 04:39 The Fall of Extrajoss 09:58 The Revival of Extrajoss 13:44 Important Lessons Disclaimer: This video is a simple review of business or industry phenomena for the general public to use as learning materials or reflections. Although it uses various reliable references, this video is not an academic manuscript or journalistic work. Reference Source: Gunawan, I. (2019, October 9). Simon Jonatan, President Director of PT Bintang Toejoe: Restoring the Nature of Growth in Companies. SWA. https://swa.co.id/business-champions/... Rahardjo, W. (2011, May 12). Adu Jos Energy Drink Business. SWA. https://swa.co.id/swa/listed-articles... Simon Jonatan The Best Brand Guardian in Top Leader Category. (2019, October 9). Mix. https://mix.co.id/indonesia-brandcomm... Wulandari, A. (nd). Extra Joss Marketing Strategy. Prezi. https://prezi.com/kmgj2btrp2kk/strate... Unisadhuguna, E. (nd). AmbilLampiran. Unisadhuguna.eakademik.id. https://unisadhuguna.eakademik.id/uni... Mulyani, E. (2011). PT. Bintang Toedjoe's Business Strategy in Facing Energy Drink Brand Competition [Undergraduate thesis, Indonesian Education University]. http://repository.upi.edu/3754/4/T_MM... Subandi, A. (2011). Perception, Consumption and Preference of Energy Drinks [Undergraduate thesis, Bogor Agricultural University]. https://repository.ipb.ac.id/jspui/bi... PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (2022). Kalbe Farma Company Update 9M22 - October 2022. https://www.kalbe.co.id/api-content/F... PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (nd). Annual Report, Financial, Presentation & Prospectus. https://www.kalbe.co.id/id/investor-i... Top Brand Award. (nd). Top Brand Award Brand Comparison. Retrieved on May 9, 2023, from https://www.topbrand-award.com/kompar... Dr. Indrawan Nugroho is the CEO and Co-founder of CIAS, an innovation consulting firm with a mission to enable corporate talents to design, develop and implement innovations to improve company performance. Visit: https://www.cias.co https://www.indrawannugroho.com Follow me at: / indrawannugroho / indrawannugroho #corporateinnovation #cias #businessstrategy #innovationconsultant