LETTING GO is connected in the minds of many with loss, damage, resignation, and painful change, and is therefore terrifying and painful. No wonder they are afraid of letting go and no wonder it takes them months or years to process. However, LETTING GO is not that. Not loss, not damage, not lack and not pain, but on the contrary: deliverance, LIBERATION, RELIEF. Savor this word: PERMISSION, and you will feel that nothing negative and painful is associated with it. Why then is there this misunderstanding? Why do people think that it means loss, closure, resignation? Why do you want to fight with these instead of understanding and experiencing LIBERATION? I think I ran ahead. This understanding requires clarification of further details. Watch the video and you can make the painful process of letting go easier for yourself in many ways! We look forward to seeing you at our self-knowledge courses in person or via live online streaming: https://tundersziv.hu/elengedes-kurzus Get our self-knowledge books at home and gain insights about yourself in the comfort of your own home! https://szeretveszeretni.hu Become a member of our EXCLUSIVE SELF-KNOWLEDGE CHANNEL! If you join this channel, you can receive rewards: / @tudat-omstudio-nemethierik737 Join our exclusive self-knowledge channel and gain additional useful insights about how you function! See the blocks, obstacles and opportunities running inside you and make the most of yourself, your life and your relationships. During membership, you will receive deeper, more advanced self-knowledge content that will help you get to know yourself better and lead a happier, more balanced life! We look forward to seeing you with SILVER or GOLD memberships! • Become a member of our exclusive channel! #onismeret #onfejlesztes #parkapotslat #szakitas #elengedès