This talk show is just what I think, and I am not claiming that this is absolutely correct. It is also very natural that some people will like it and others will not. I recommend that you trust your own feelings and not watch or listen any more if it makes you feel bad. Well, this time, we will start with the title "Strength without fighting" and then just go with the flow. If you feel like it, I would appreciate it if you could join us for about an hour and a half. Mikippe's recommended movies are "Inside Out", "Inside Out 2", "LUCY", "Christopher Robin", and "The Truman Show". Mikippe's Twitter @DacchiTojacco Mikippe's blog is here A blog to read when you're stuck in life♪ https://charlotte102.hatenablog.com/ Some of the articles in the blog have started to be read aloud on kokoro century's YouTube channel. Please receive the message along with the beautiful images. / @kokorocentury / @kokorocentury369